Top 5 Most Beautiful Romantic Movies Ever Made!

Most Romantic Movies of All Time

Hola! I hope everybody is in the pink of their health.Today I am going to take you on a very Romantic Journey and I am sure you won’t regret it.

Let’s have a warm walk to some of the Most Romantic Movies of All Time which will make you feel and fall for someone, or else if you are committed then that will lead you to get more closer to your beloved once.

Okay, So let’s dive right into it! ❤️

A Walk to Remember

The climate was showery, I was feeling like to have a cup of coffee and be vagrant and want to feel myself, so I thought to surf something and there I came across a movie called “A WALK TO REMEMBER”, by Nicholas Sparks,  it was just like a cherry on a cake.

There comes, the point where I felt that this movie made my rainy day colder and yes you too will feel the same after watching so.

Let me give you the reason why you too should make your day feel as prosperous as it is. The story begins with the boy named Landon Carter, who was a son of a millionaire and was a smart hunk in his school. Another side we have Jamie Sullivan, the daughter of the town’s Church Head minister, who is a quiet and introverted person and always carries a Bible with her.

Most Romantic Movies of All Time

The story begins when Landon gets the punishment to participate in a drama function and act for the same which he was worst at and there he required the help of Jamie, who always got insulated by the friends of Landon and him too just because of her simplicity.

So Mr. Carter, who never get help from others, seeks help to get the lines to remember from Jamie and she tries for a while but getting rude behavior from Landon group, she set back and the guy manages to do it by himself but he was missing Jamie as she was good at that and made him feel that he is different.

The day comes when there’s a drama and eventually, in the middle of that, Landon forgets the lines, but Jamie manages in between and seeing that at last, they were with a kiss. Yet Jamie was not about to get back to him but actually, she can’t resist too because she to feel something good about Landon, and contrary to that Landon too felt something for Jamie and that made him miss Jamie more day by day.

Eventually spending time together for practice they both came closer and enjoyed each other’s company and fall for each other. Now the climax comes and Jamie reveals the unknown truth that she is suffering from cancer and her treatment was on.

Yet after all such stuff Landon being a true lover, supports Jamie for whatever she wished and in the end, Jamie gets the surprise when Landon proposes to her to marry him. In the end, Jamie dies and the quote remains “I feel in love just like the wind, I can’t see her but I can feel her.”

The Vow

Oh my God! Feeling so great right now. I am feeling that to be loved and to love someone is such a great thing to do and yeah to make our beloved happy and lovable in any condition, whether it is worst or not but always there, I think this is a natural bliss. 😇

You might be thinking that I am mad or what? But this time you may say mad or insane anything, I will accept it because currently, I am having a great mood, so I can hear any stuff, the reason why right now I am so, is just because of Leo and Paige love story.

Most Romantic Movies of All Time

Now you might be wondering who they are? The Vow, in which Robert Ebert has beautifully showcased the couple who were in love for 4 years and suddenly they met an accident, where the husband found that his wife (Paige) has lost her memory and she doesn’t remember him. The great setback for Leo, but he doesn’t give up and tried hard to get Paige to know that he is the one whom she loved once and they have got married.

Making every effort to get Paige’s memory back, he still failed and gave up. Poor Paige just recalls her family and the guy whom years back she got engaged, and her family. (who was known with the fact that Paige has left the house years back were trying to get Paige home again).

But one fine day, Paige get to know that whatever Leo was talking about her was correct that she left home because of his father and she was owning an art studio there. After knowing all such stuff, Paige was ready to start a new journey with Leo.

Leo on the other side wanted to see Paige happy with or without him and there where I felt that to be loved and to love someone with no expectations it’s quite hard and Leo was one of them. But as God is for everyone, Paige gets back to Leo as her memory doesn’t come back but she realized and wanted to start her new journey with Leo and the story ends.

Five Feet Apart

Sometimes I feel love is hard, so hard because you love someone but you can’t touch, you can’t hug him or else what you can just do is see him or her by certain feet away.

Yeah! Such a story exists, will and Stella were the patient of CF Cystic fibrosis, An inherited life-threatening disorder that damages the lungs and digestive system.  As they were in a similar hospital they use to see each other and by the time they fall for, but being a patient of CF you can’t touch each other and you need to be six feet apart from each other because the bacteria can cause an effect to you and it can damage the lungs.

Hence, it’s too easy to fall for each other but the reality was so brutal. Stella was initially not ready for all such stuff but Will being so cute and nice she too felt for him and as they were too involved in each that when I saw them it’s just like feeling so helpless that they want to hug each other, kiss each other but they can’t.

Most Romantic Movies of All Time

Poe, the best friend of Stella was also the patient of the same and he too was a great support to her. Once they were enjoying the birthday party of Will and they got caught up by Brab, the nurse of the hospital who was taking care of three. And Brab being concern about their health she decided to separate Will’s room and by the time they were trying to fix that all, Poe got a sudden attack and he died.

By seeing that Stella got so pissed of and felt like regrets of all and there she realized that life is too short and we are going to die, yet we are going with the treatment and there too we can enjoy life.

And by getting that they both went to see the lights from the upside which was the dream of Stella. Coming back, Stella got the message from the hospital that she got the new lungs but she didn’t want that and then Will to got to know about it and he was concerned about that and suddenly Stella got into the ice water and she was up to death but Will got her up and yet she was not waking up and the only option was to give breath from the mouth and that worked and she got up.

Hence, the result was clean and in the end, the dream of Stella gets fulfilled by Will and he went away from Stella because he knew that now to ruin the life of her by being with her, is not going to happen. Will always wanted Stella to be strafe and happy. Love always wants that and that’s the great thing about it.

You can touch him/her,  Life is too short to waste a second. We need that touch from the one whom we love, almost as much as the air for breathing. But Stella never understood the touch of love, his touch until she would have it.

The Notebook

My Imagination was not quite good about the movie but when I watched it I got so into it that I felt like falling in love. My belief regarding love too got changed and on a serious note, I felt just be engrossing in it.

Allie Nelson and Noah Calhoun had fallen in love with each other at a very early age but it lasted up to death. Love never dies, someone has truly said this and I too feel this and is being reflected in the movie so strongly.

Most Romantic Movies of All Time

If you love someone so truly, you will get back to your love anyhow maybe you won’t able to be with them but being apart from them, you are always loved. The same happens with Noah and Allie who were in love with each other so deeply but because of Allie’s mom, they were not able to connect anymore and Allie had to run away.

Noah being a true beloved one, wrote letters to Allie but her mother made sure that the letter couldn’t reach Allie and so Allie felt that Noah is now no more loving her, days went on and she found a guy whom she started loving him and he was suited for Allie (according to her mother).

They both got engaged and one noon Allie saw the photo of Noah in the newspaper with the house which Noah had promised Allie to get prepared, and that ignites their love for the second time as Allie went to met Noah after so long.

As love never stops, the same depicts and found after Allie met Noah for the second time. As in the end, they both were together, up to death, and in the last phase, they have shown that Allie lost her memory. Noah tries his best to get Allie to remember what they were and at last, Allie recalls and they both get to the death bed.


The Only Line that pops up in my mind while listening to the word Titanic is ‘Purity in love‘. I Still remember when I saw this movie for the first time, I had to bring tissues to wrap my tears and I was feeling like to just get mesmerized by all the moments of the movie where Rose and Jack are together.

James Cameron, the director and writer of the movie has artfully described the essence of love which never end with any hurdles.

Jack and Rose, both belong to the different background in which Jack is financially backwards and Rose is sawn as a very rich family.

Most Romantic Movies of All Time

When they met, Rose had got engaged with Cal, which her mother chose to get married so that her future get secured. But as when time passes, Jack and Rose got closer and that made a clue to her mother and Cal. They both wanted to get Rose out of it because Rose’s mother hated Jack for being a poor guy.

But as history has been evidence that love can’t get over by anyhow and it doesn’t see how you are but it gets into who you are. The same happens with the couple here and we can see with much hard stuff coming on the way, they survived till the end, and pureness of love has been reflected at the end of the movie, where Jack shows his love to Rose by giving the chance to Rose to survive, and pray for their life.

It demonstrates that how much you love your beloved and you accept your partner with whatever they have rather than how much they have!

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What are the Top 5 Most Romantic Movies?

A Walk to Remember
The Vow
Five Feet Apart
The Notebook

Is A Walk to Remember Based on a True Story?

Yes, A walk to remember, by Nicholas Sparks, is based on a true story where the writer describes very artistically his own sister‘s story of who was suffering from cancer. Perhaps, having so she felt for a millionaire guy, yet knowing the truth, he proposed to his sister to marry and spend the remaining life with him. Truly inspired by their own sister’s a story, he made the film and got ranked higher. Beautifully driven the story and put in front of everyone where people genuinely feel the immense love and pain at the same time.

What are Movies Couples should watch together?

Falling in love is such a delightful and pleasurable feeling. Showing your love and taking care of him or her gives an inner peace. And to carry on the enjoyment, there comes certain movies to watch together which will make you feel more pleasant and good.

So, here is the list of movies with a couple should watch together:

What are the Top 10 Most Romantic Movies?


Was Titanic a Real Story?

One of my favourite and close to heart movie is TITANIC. Since the movie is not all over based on a real incident, but the titanic ship sink was the real incident. The story of Jack and Rose has added to have some more attractiveness in the overall scenario and to look good. Some characters are truly inspired and putted in the story but the love story has been deprived of the mind of the writer.

Do you end up putting in the Vow?

The vow, a movie which I felt like to watch was worthy enough. If you have accidentally selected the movie and you watch it you won’t feel regret at the end. It’s a very realistic feeling love story of Paige and Leo where both had to face many obstacles for their love, especially to get their love and bond back. In the end, Paige and Leo stays forever and start up with a new journey and end up with a marriage and have kids also. Yet, they have shown lastly that Paige is trying to come back to Leo and finally, they were together.

Did Will die at the End of Five Feet Apart?

Stella and Will, the most lovable couple ever I have seen and felt so bad for. The end of the story is so brutal to watch and for me, it was super sad to watch as they get apart from each other for the betterment of them. Will doesn’t die at the end but lives Stella as he knew that Stella has a long life and if she would be with her then she would have to face problems at every stage and so in the end, Will LEFT Stella and went away.

Is The Notebook Sad?

The notebook, I feel the story is super cool because they didn’t end with an apart note or I can say a sad note, but they were together holding the hands till to the death bad. The story is not sad in the context of its fluency in the movie, but at some point, you will feel sad for Noah, as he waited a year for Allie to come back. So we can say that the story is not so sad but when you watch the movie you will feel bad for the characters. But at the same time, you will feel great as well, furthermore, you would be happy seeing both together at the end cuddling and doing funny activities. In short, their craziness in love will make you go mad.

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  1. My rocking girl with beautiful face and sharp mind.❤️#लिखते रहो

  2. Beautiful written, it was really helpful people like me who read review first and watching movies on that basis. And i loved the way how beautifully author narrated that.

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