53 Movies to Watch on Amazon Prime – Quick Overview

53 Best Amazon Prime Movies

There are always films that charged us with a huge adrenaline rush through their visual play. Here are some of the movies to watch on amazon prime which will help you heal out of your routine and also will keep inspiring your mind further.

Movies to Watch on Amazon Prime

This list of amazon prime movies does not contain common titles like Knives Out, Beautiful Boy, etc. You may not even have heard the name of the movies I have mentioned, but I would definitely recommend these inspiring and uplifting movies.

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

Set in 1916, this movie explores the good emotional struggles of T. E. Lawrence during the war I. The movie is about a couple of men who slowly begins to understand that war never servers a decent purpose and his resulting quest to vary the course of history.

The Imitation Game (2014)

The Imitation Game,” tells the story of a superb mathematician who seeks to crack a code that’s considered to be unsolvable. Set during warfare II, the mathematician’s unique ability to think differently is required quite ever to assist put an end to the devastating war. This movie encourages you to think positively about yourself and to own the courage to be yourself. The movie celebrates those courageous enough to show a discrepancy then the remainder.

Abraham Lincoln (2012)

Hahaha!, as an Indian, I did never expected I will love this movie to its core, And it has managed to come in my personal top ten list of motivational movies in Hollywood. If you’re curious about politics, this inspiring movie may be a must-see. It’s about the lawyer, the brilliant man who almost single-handedly established democracy in America.

Spare Parts (2015)

This is another fantastic movie that tells the story of 4 high school students who form a robotics club out of nothing. It’s the brilliant tale of 4 students who haven’t any experience in robotics and no money to accomplish their dreams but still manage to challenge the leading robotics champion at MIT.

Rain Man (1988)

Centered on a rather selfish wheeler-dealer, “Rain Man” may be a brilliant movie. It tells the story of two brothers, one an autistic savant and therefore the other an egotist, who failed to know of every other until their father dies. The movie conveys the important message that every single human life is vital and valuable.

Hotel Rwanda (2004)

Based on a real story of a hotelman. The movie gives a formidable account of a hotelman who gave shelter to quite 1000 refugees during a military crisis in their country.

Chariots of fire (1981)

This particular movie is very inspiring for runners but it also comes with some greatly important messages for everybody people. “Chariots of Fire” is centered on the inspiring story of two men who compete at the 1924 Olympics. It’s a superb movie about standing up for what you suspect in and never allow anything to compromise your values.

Freedom Writers (2007)

Writing a magazine could have a profound effect on your life. This stunning and galvanizing film highlights this truth as soon as extra. It is targeted at an excessive college instructor who conjures up her college students.

Here the instructor conjures students to start journaling to emerge as extra tolerant of every difference. Despite the tremendous complaint about her methods, she is capable of profoundly affect her.

Coach Carter (2005)

An awesome film that highlights the significance of training. “Coach Carter” comes with the crucial message that training is the maximum crucial asset you may have. The inspiring film highlights that training is extra crucial than being an athlete.

It’s a feel-exact film approximately a devoted basketball teacher who encourages his college students to have a plan B in case their – usually illusory – hopes of turning into expert athletes do now no longer come to fruition.

Cast Away (2000)

This film is heartwarming, uplifting, and – of course – amazingly inspiring. It’s approximately a man’s boundless will to go back to his liked spouse after being stranded on an island surrounded with the aid of using not anything however water.

A Beautiful Mind (2001)

A Beautiful Mind” is the biography of an award-prevailing and creative mathematician who struggles together along with his intellectual health. The effective and galvanizing message of this film is that you may reach life – even if you’re faced with overwhelming obstacles.

If you’ve got the strength of will and the essential recognition it takes to conquer the whole lot that stands to your manner, you’ll succeed.

Braveheart (1995)

The effective message of this film is that everybody people will subsequently die, however now no longer everybody sincerely stays. It tells the tale of William Wallace who defends Scotland in opposition to English oppressors.

The film will encourage you to rise for what’s proper. And also to combat in opposition to people who try and take your freedom away.

The Lord of the Rings

An amazing film approximately the strength of friendship and the truth that you may accomplish the maximum heroic matters to your life, irrespective of who you’re and in which you return from.

Edward Scissorhands (1990)

The message of this awesome film is pretty simple: it’s approximately studying to simply accept humans the manner they are. It encourages us now no longer to be too brief to choose different humans however to find out who they are.

Big Fish (2003)

“Big Fish” takes you on an adventurous adventure via the excellent testimonies of a small child’s father. The film tells the tale from the angle of the child who attempts to find the hidden truths. The child finds the truth at the back of his father’s amazing testimonies as he grows up.

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Field of Dreams (1989)

How crucial is it to hold the beyond for people who observe us? According to this film, it’s of maximum significance. “Field of Dreams,” tells the inspiring tale of a farmer from Iowa who in the future hears a mysterious voice whispering to him a crucial message.

The film is so inspiring as it suggests to you the way crucial it’s miles to stay a much less self-targeted and extra selfless life.

Schindler’s List (1993)

At a time of the genocide, this movie tells the story of an authentic hero. Oskar Schindler’s association to keep his Jewish workers blanketed to ensure his manufacturing facility is nevertheless in operation did not only work for his benefit, however, saved many harmless lives too.

The plot of the story is a masterpiece, bringing out humanity warped in business in a time of war. The film ends with the tragic fate of Schlinder. It doesn’t matter the endeavors of the ones on his ‘list’ – an inspiring conclusion that will leave you in tears.

It’s A Wonderful Life (1946)

This movie is one that makes us feel relationships. When an angel comes down as an answer to George Bailey’s prayer wishing that he wasn’t born. Then he starts to see how he has impacted his loved ones. Set in the Christmas season, It’s A Wonderful Life is absolutely a brilliant watch leaving us inspired via its simple but charming plot.


The film happy, directed by A. Karunakaran from our Indian origin, is a narrative that endeavored to answer the inward potential to make our bliss.

This narrative spotlights the most recent exploration concerning positive brain research based on Science. The narrative investigates the world and spotlights the individuals who have made their significance of satisfaction.


The film directed by Sean Penn is about GOING through the hardest circumstances where we need to leave everything and go for an excursion. In any case, life is loaded with shocks and requires a ton of endeavors.

If you are additionally feeling the equivalent, the film is for you. The story depends on a person who gets the sensation of craving for new experiences.


This Animated film is motivational, it is entertaining and brilliant simultaneously. The film centers around the gathering of vagrants who long for a superior life past the shelter.

The story is entertaining yet besides features human versatility which makes it an uplifting film. This film is one of the total family bundle motion pictures.

The Little Prince

This film is one of the best inspirational movies on Netflix, though it has an average IMDB rating still this film will surely manage to win your hearts while it has all the more great audits which depend on the novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s.

The film is enlivened and dependent on a little youngster who moves to another city to go to an esteemed school like her mom. The film shows that life is audacious and valuable. On the off chance that you need to close significant things in your day to day existence. This film is an unquestionable requirement watch.

Living on One Dollar

The film has an enduring effect and changes the way you carry on with your life. The film depends on genuine cases. It features the endurance story of four understudies attempting to live in Guatemala for about two months.

The four understudies face hunger, parasites, unforeseen costs, and ailment. Then, they likewise discover quietude and companionship. If you have not seen this film, go now and watch it on google movies.

The Theory of Everything

This is one of the best inspirational movies out there on Netflix for you. It depends on the biopic of Stephen Hawking. The film features the vocation, life, and engine neuron problem. After this, Stephen got one of the incredibly famous physicists.

The film is rousing in its specific manner, leaves the crowd numb. It compels them to consider accomplishing something feasible in their lives. James Marsh directs it. Also, it stars my all-time favorite Benedict Cumberbatch with Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode

Good Will Hunting

The film centers around the tale of an underrated fellow with very high intelligence (Will Hunting). The film shows how the principal character goes the right way. This moving film has won three Oscars. The cherry on the cake is Damon’s motivating exhibition all through the film. This is the best film to watch on Netflix. Eventually, the film will empower you to perceive how openings change lives.

A Beautiful Mind

This movie came near 2006, depends on the life of business person Chris Gardner. He experienced an entire year of vagrancy and different battles before he made progress.

Played by Will Smith, he lifted himself out of degraded destitution and turned into an effective protection intermediary. The film moves you to tears at his difficulty. And also it will allow you to celebrate with Gardner when he accomplishes his objectives.

127 Hours

So one more personal favorite and so far the best films came in that year of its release, On the off chance that there ever was a film portraying the strength of the human craving to endure, this is it. A book named “In a tight spot”, recounts the account of Aron Ralston.

He was an adrenaline junkie who cherished investigating gorge. He wound up in a difficult situation when he was caught by a stone in the Canyonlands National Park in Utah, USA. They just had a limited quantity of food and water which he loosened up over a time of 5 days. Aron had utilized his camcorder to make a video diary.

Presently, he utilized it to archive his last hours alive. At the point when he was practically yielding, he understood that he could save his life. Though need to cut off his arm with his folding knife. Delivered in 2010, it is a stunning film and James Franco works superbly playing Aron.

Coach Carter

It is significant for us to adjust our investigations and our extra-curricular exercises. Life involves balance and that is the thing that this film tries to move. Delivered in 2005, it recounts the narrative of Ken Carter. Played by Samuel L. Jackson, he re-visitations of his old secondary school to mentor b-ball.

After prevailing with regards to assisting the group with improving, he understands that the players have relinquished their examinations for the court. In an offer to urge them to pay attention to examines, he pulls out the group from all rivalries until they improve their evaluations. It is a coarse story of control and aspiration.

Invincible (2006)

This is a film about a speed bicycle racer named Burt Munro which was delivered in 2005. He went through twenty years of his life reestablishing a 1920s Indian bike. Played by Anthony Hopkins, Burt confronted colossal difficulty to remake it.

Ultimately, he finished his undertaking. Burt continued to race the bicycle at the Bonneville salt flats in 1967 and he broke the world land speed record.


Again my 2006 film year list continues us to inspire which has its considerable keep in giving us the best inspirational movies of all time, this film is about the narrative of Vince Papale. He was an instructor confronting a large group of issues in his day to day existence.

In urgent need of some cash, Vince likewise had employment as low maintenance barkeep. He was a colossal football fan and when an open tryout arose for his old neighborhood group, Vince tested and makes phenomenal progress, cool:)

Saving Private Ryan

A 1998 film might be of slight low production value but still manages to give hard-hitting core values and comes into an inspirational movie, this is a film that unmistakably portrays the lives of warriors in World War 2 and how life genuinely was down and dirty.

It shows the narrative of a gathering of fighters who go out looking for their companion, Private Ryan. The heartbreaking private had just lost three siblings in the war.

The gathering couldn’t permit Ryan to bite the dust behind for lines. The film follows their edgy pursuit and investigates the extraordinary snapshots of each officer.

Patch Adams

Experiencing a hyper mental illness, a tracker named Peter Adams looks for help at a psychological establishment. After battling for quite a while, he concludes that he should open up his psychological center.

He picked up the entrance into the Virginia Medical University however understands that he doesn’t care for the techniques which they use to think about patients.

With help from a well off companion, Adams opens up a clinical office for oppressed patients. This 1998 film shows how he endured a shocking mishap and confronted enormous battles to help other people.

The Social Network

It was a Hollywood blockbuster. It depended on the fantasy ascent of Mark Zuckerberg and his startup – Facebook. The Social Network stays a top decision for motivation due to its deft narrating and splendid foundation score.

Office Space

If you’ve ever despised office work, Office Space is unquestionably a film for you. This film will help move you to escape that dreadful all day way of life This is quite an inspiring movie. It’s about a person who can’t stand going to work any longer.

Rather than being terminated, he gets advanced, yet his harshness about his occupation returns to raise his ruckus. Here’s an incredible line: “The thing is, Bob, it isn’t so much that I’m apathetic, it’s that I simply couldn’t care less.”

Boiler Room (2000)

Although this film is probably motivated by the first Wall Street, there are not many incredible sales rep tips to move you here!

Let this film control you to locate that inward business soul. It’s a complete must-watch to get you roused. Additionally, it’ll help you remain consistent with your soul and not become ethically bad. this is film is the most inspirational movie in English, cheers.

Something Ventured

If you end up being a business visionary anticipating investigating the VC road, this narrative has some incredible knowledge.

Something Ventured is a narrative dependent on the point of view of the main financial speculators in Silicon Valley. It’s a truly incredible perspective on things get subsidized, and what’s on the line for big-time speculators. It’s likewise an incredible glance at how to be courageous and push through inventive thoughts in a market that consistently prefers to be careless.


This is the unique dark horse story. Rough Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) is allowed to battle the heavyweight champ. He has to make a superior life for himself by clashing with the test. This film shows a ton of serious soul and will motivate you to get up and beat your opposition, which is a beautifully inspiring film.

Godfather Series

The Godfather is another of IMDB’s unsurpassed top 10 motion pictures, and it’s likewise one of the most widely praised movies ever. This is an anecdote about the development of a little privately-run company and the fending off of the resistance.

The business changes through time until it, at last, turn into the biggest coordinated wrongdoing partner in New York City. The dad and child who run the activity show the stuff to get to the top and remain there.

It’s an extraordinary watch for the individuals who need to figure out how to remain on the top. Note: Don’t do anything unlawful, simply discover some motivation in these quick business administrators

Wall Street

This a film about business and ravenousness. you will love this film if you liked THE SCAM 1992 SERIES ON THE SONY LIV APP. The story is about an aggressive youthful stockbroker, Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen). He has and makes every effort to succeed, regardless of whether that implies a little insider exchanging.

Insider exchanging is exceptionally unpardonable and culpable wrongdoing, but then, he has no dread. He meets with Gordon Gecko (Michael Douglas) and starts working with the favorite line “ravenousness is acceptable” or in simpler words greed is god. You don’t need to surrender to an eagerness to draw motivation from this film.


This film is a lovely anecdote about a basic man with well-meaning goals, who coincidentally turns into an extraordinary achievement just by carrying on with his existence he feels is correct. He wins prizes, turns into an expert table tennis player, takes up running, claims a gigantic shrimping organization, and moves individuals all over the nation.

The story spins around the basic idea of Forrest (Tom Hanks) and how he demonstrates that you don’t need to be a virtuoso to accomplish something. You should simply attempt.

For people with a great vision, Nightcrawler is a film. This movie is a bit brutal, but the acting by Jake Gyllenhaal will keep you engaged. It’s about a struggling guy who can’t find one but is looking for a job.


Instead after witnessing a crime, he finds a window of opportunity and decides to become a crime reporter. This movie will teach you that anybody can become anything with a little persuasion and drive. It will teach you how your positive attributes will be focused on and improved.


This wonderful period epic, based loosely on the genius of Mozart, boasts fine performances and outstanding music. This was music that I had never heard before. Filled with such longing, such unfulfillable longing.” A description of the music of Mozart.”


This movie inspires families throughout the world to teach neighbors, friends, and even strangers that they mean something to you in at least one way! To me, this movie is so inspiring! All of us can make a difference!

The lord of the rings

This is truly the most inspirational film of all time for me personally. It is only stories that are woven like this that can penetrate the heart. Samwise and Frodo’s story is heart-wrenching. The themes are best: friendship, love, heroism, good vs. evil, and hope in the face of despair.

Dead poets society

An awesome & inspiring movie! A professor who teaches & cares for his students, Williams plays the role. Students should be able to think for themselves and get their voices to be shared. He taught the students to see things from various viewpoints. It should be more open to teaching than as limited as it is.


Guru is the inspiring tale of Gurukant Desai, an ambitious villager who later became India’s biggest business tycoon. The movie is also referred to as a biopic of Dhirubhai Ambani, one of India’s most successful and self-made business individuals.


The 3 Idiots movie is somewhat based on the best-selling novel Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat. Two friends are looking for their long-lost college friend and remembering their college days in the journey, the movie plays in the flashback. The film gives a very significant message, pursuing excellence, and it will follow success.

Lagaan: Once in India for a Time (2001)

This film is a story about an Indian village wherein the game of Cricket, a young boy named Bhuvan challenges British people to clear the entire village of high tax debts. No one has ever played this game in a village before. But they are sufficiently determined to give them a strong competition. It is one of Indian cinema’s greatest movies.

Iqbal (2005)

This is an inspiring film based on the tale of a deaf and mute boy whose passion for cricket is nothing but playing. He wants to play for India’s national team, but the circumstances are not that easy for him. In playing eleven for the nation, he had to overcome a lot of barriers to make his way. Nagesh Kukoonar’s epic movie.

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

The film is based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, a motivational speaker at the moment. But, previously, he was a very successful stockbroker who was charged with crimes of stock market manipulation and served 22 months in jail.  If you are in the stock market business, this film is a must-watch for you.

The Amelie (2001)

Amelie’s film captures through ingenuous eyes the exquisite charm and mystery of modern-day Paris. An inspiring tale of imagination is the way Amelie imagines other people living around her and creates a world of her own making.

Amelie’s tapestry knits around her, hoping to bring joy to the people who live around her, telling the story of magic, innocence, and love in her little way.

The World’s Fastest Indian

Burt Munro’s story tells us that if you believe in something, don’t give yourself up. Although building his 1920 Indian motorcycle took years for the New Zealander, he did not lose hope and it helped him set the land speed record at the 1967 Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.

This engaging and inspiring plot is based on the true story of a man who never gave up on his dreams of doing something big – and doing it very very fast.

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1 comment
  1. They’re an amazing list of movies. Been binge watching series, however, I think this is a great list of inspirational movies on the go. I’ve recently got amazon prime recently, been searching for a playlist of movies & Quarantine just got better!!

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